Stuffz Wiki


  1. She eats poop for breakfast
  2. She hates pie
  3. She hates floppy disks
  4. She secretly loves Sceptile
  5. She cliams to hate 5 year olds named Chucky but she secretly loves Abcilikepie.
  6. She wears a wig secretly because of the fact that when she published her first game she was jumping and she fell into a bucket of acid and it burnt off her hair.
  7. She hates Mjduniverse.
  8. She daydreams about Sceptile dating her.
  9. She wishes the Chucky Ducky Show was real.
  10. She kisses Sceptile's avatar every day.

May the Poostudios Killer

  1. She was redesigned as a secret character in pokemon HG and SS and she has swollen arms and legs, green skin, big eyes, rarely any hair, and she's drooling
  2. All of her Pokemon are robots because she doesn't deserve real ones.
  3. One day SOONICK DA HEGHOOG pooped on her breakfast

Bubsy the Bobcat

  1. One day he tried to kill FAHNG DA SNIPUR and he said "I GONNA KILL YOU NUKE!!!" and FAHNG said "NONONO WAIT!!!" and a nuke appeared and blew up. It killed Bubsy but not FAHNG